Kanye West Fashion Show Reviews

Kanye West Fashion Show Reviews
Kanye West Fashion Show reviews are always memorable.  In February 2015, Kanye introduced his Adidas Original collection in Manhattan and the reviews were mixed.  Creator of fashion week, Fern Mallis said, "I'm kind of over Kanye I mean, I'm not a fan of his music, and the attitude and the agenda is not my style."

Kanye West responded to Mallis' criticism stating, "To Fern Mallis: I just want you to understand that attempting to do clothing has been very difficult and I have encountered countless amounts of bigotry along the way.  I have millions of ideas, and I represent a new generation just try to express themselves in a broken world."

The Louis Vuitton Don continued: "I don't call myself a designer as I was not allowed to go to Saint Martins – because I was too famous by the time I realized I wanted to design. Fame is often looked down upon in the design world, so it's actually been something I had to overcome."

Kanye West Fashion Show Reviews
Kanye West Fashion Show Reviews
Kanye West Fashion Show Reviews
Kanye West Fashion Show Reviews

Kanye West Fashion Show Reviews
Kanye West Fashion Show Reviews

Kanye West Fashion Tips
Kanye West Fashion Tips 
Kanye West Fashion Tips
Kanye West Fashion Tips

Kanye West Fashion Tips
Kanye West Fashion Tips

"All we have are our dreams, and you can step on our dreams and ideas all you want, but we won’t stop fighting," he said. "We want to innovate, and we will win some day. If you wanna have a drink with me, book a table at (New York restaurant) Spotted Pig when I'm back in NY."
Kanye's quotes are a lesson in self belief.  Kanye West quotes are authentic yet they are often taken out of context.  Kanye West fashion quotes are inspirational and refreshing.  Here are some of our favorite Kanye West fashion quotes:

Kanye West Fashion Quotes
Kanye West Fashion Quotes

Kanye West Fashion Tips
Kanye West Fashion Tips

Kanye West Fashion Quotes
Kanye West Fashion Quotes

Kanye West Fashion Quotes
Kanye West Fashion Quotes

Kanye West Fashion Quotes
Kanye West Fashion Quotes

Kanye West Fashion Tips
Kanye West fashion tips show how insightful Mr. West truly is: "It's not about having a lot of clothes," West states, "It's about a few favorites."  Kanye proves that you can dress down in your luxury pieces and that Jordans go with everything.

Kanye West has shown us that we can wear a tuxedo jacket to clean up a T-shirt and that Timberlands are never going out of style.  He has also shown us that proportion is what you make it.  He often lets his T-shirt poke out from under his hoodie and even wears thin jackets with loose leather pants.

Thank you Mr. West!

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