
Showing posts from November, 2017

Would You Take Out a Loan for a Pair of Jeans?

Would You Take Out a Loan for a Pair of Jeans? A new kind of high-interest financial product aims to disrupt how you shop, and how you owe. November 29, 2017 at 05:57PM via Digg

What Is Clout? An Explainer for Olds

What Is Clout? An Explainer for Olds Hope that clears things up. November 29, 2017 at 07:30AM via Digg

Clothes Make the Con Man

Clothes Make the Con Man Why a well-cut suit or an elegant gown is a swindler’s best friend. November 28, 2017 at 01:14PM via Digg

The History Of The Bra

The History Of The Bra Unfortunately, "breast bags" were a thing and the first sports bra was just two jock straps sewn together. November 27, 2017 at 01:55PM via Digg

The Birthplace of American Vintage

The Birthplace of American Vintage How East Village shop Limbo made secondhand clothes cool. November 26, 2017 at 12:19PM via Digg

An Illustrated History Of Donald Trump's Hair

An Illustrated History Of Donald Trump's Hair How did we get here? November 26, 2017 at 03:09AM via Digg

Is Snapchat Making Us Forget What We Look Like?

Is Snapchat Making Us Forget What We Look Like? "It's like the perfection app." And over time, it's easy to forget that you don't actually look that "perfect." November 22, 2017 at 01:37PM via Digg

Should This Thing Be Smart? Socks Edition.

Should This Thing Be Smart? Socks Edition. If you've always wanted a running coach who is also a robot that you can wear on your feet, then the Sensoria Fitness Socks and Anklet may be the socks and anklet for you. November 20, 2017 at 03:01PM via Digg

The last true Vintage Jeans made in the USA

The last true Vintage Jeans made in the USA On December 31, the doors will close on North Carolina's White Oak plant — the first, and now last, big textile mill in the US to make true, vintage-style denim. Our correspondent tracks down the secret to classic jeans, and their unexpected future. November 20, 2017 at 01:59PM via Digg

How Vans Became The Shoes Everyone’s Wearing — Again

How Vans Became The Shoes Everyone’s Wearing — Again In the early 2000s, the Southern California brand was irrelevant. Now it’s a $2.3 billion global powerhouse worn by pretty much everyone. November 16, 2017 at 02:04PM via Digg

How a Shirt Covered in Swastikas Ends Up in a Department Store

How a Shirt Covered in Swastikas Ends Up in a Department Store Retail supply chains are so complex that sometimes a Nazi symbol can slip through the cracks. November 16, 2017 at 08:33AM via Digg

This New Hype King Has Cracked How Millennials Spend

This New Hype King Has Cracked How Millennials Spend From Uber to Impossible Foods, big brands are flocking to Jesse Lee’s Dub Frequency Media. November 14, 2017 at 02:05PM via Digg

No Room for America Left in Those Jeans

No Room for America Left in Those Jeans The last major American selvage denim manufacturer is closing. The American jobs are gone, but Japan has got you covered. November 13, 2017 at 07:48PM via Digg

The Swag Project

The Swag Project Tracking all the free stuff Racked editors received in a single year November 13, 2017 at 01:38PM via Digg

Revealed: how Nike stays one step ahead of the taxman

Revealed: how Nike stays one step ahead of the taxman Money paid for trainers in shops moves in and out of Europe, to the Caribbean and even to entities not officially based anywhere. November 8, 2017 at 07:34AM via Digg

Zara Shoppers Find Notes From Unpaid Factory Workers Sewn Into Clothes

Zara Shoppers Find Notes From Unpaid Factory Workers Sewn Into Clothes Zara, the Spanish clothing retailer that’s developed a miserable reputation for its bad labor practices and ripping off the work of other designers and artists, has once again made its way into the news. November 6, 2017 at 06:22PM via Digg

The 'Everyday Objects' Collection From Tiffany Is A Gross Display Of Affluence

The 'Everyday Objects' Collection From Tiffany Is A Gross Display Of Affluence Look at this dumb can. November 6, 2017 at 05:37PM via Digg

Modest Dressing, as a Virtue

Modest Dressing, as a Virtue What's really behind fashion's — and women’s — love of concealing clothes? November 5, 2017 at 06:24AM via Digg

Net Shop Boys

Net Shop Boys Menswear sites can offer a rare window into how men perform gender for each other November 3, 2017 at 06:45AM via Digg

Why Emo Bands Were So Into Victorian Style

Why Emo Bands Were So Into Victorian Style Goth and emo fashion taps into the theory that the things the mainstream finds most repulsive can be the most attractive of all. November 2, 2017 at 11:06AM via Digg